Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter...Save An Egg :)

Edited to add: I'm sorry you all are having problems getting my free pattern. My bandwidth per day is used up. It resets itself every 24 hours. I've had over 2,000 people downloading free patterns from my blog in the past few days. In order to get a higher bandwidth I have to pay $49.00 per year and I refuse to do that to give patterns away free. I hope you will all understand and keep trying.
Thank you.
Everybody knows bunnies don't lay eggs or eat eggs so "save an egg"! My lil bunny had taken matters into his own paws and decorated his favorite thing...A CARROT!

You will find this Easter Gift under the "Gift" section on the right side of my blog.

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter!



  1. can I whip this out to put in an Easter basket tomorrow am??? Doubt it, but thanks so much Vee!!! Love it!

  2. This is sweet. I can't get it tho. My computer is acting up. :O(

  3. Thank you, Vee :) Happy Easter!

  4. I'm laughing right now. That is the cutest little design I've ever seen. Thank you. I guess there have been 50 downloads already for today. So I'll check back. Love your design:)

  5. Vee, Love it and I'll also be back later.
    Thanks and Happy Easter..:)

  6. Vee I loved the chart and I tried to download Sunday and Monday and your server says to many have downloaded it and come back this is what I get everytime is there some other way to download it as I don't want to miss it
    Sincerely Kathy B in Ohio

  7. OOPs! Couldn't download because the bandwith was exceeded! I will be back! Thanks for offering such an adorable chart!

  8. VEE,

    You are always so generous! I love this freebie. Thank you so much!


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

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