Thinking PATRIOTIC I have "Flying Red,White and Blue" and "Summer In The USA". Both designs are "quick to stitch". Joni M. has done a beautiful job stitching and finishing both of these.
Stitch count: 46w X 74h *each pattern* Hard copy: $6.75 PDF: $5.00 *please specify when ordering if you would like the butterfly or dragonfly* or
purchase both patterns together. Hard Copy:$10.75 PDF: $8.00
"Summer In The USA"
Stitch count: 95w X 56h Hard copy: $6.75 PDF: $5.00

I have also have done a biscornu using the "Flying Red, White, and Blue". Wanda F. *my Biscornu Queen* has done a wonderful job stitching and finishing this for me.
"Flying Red, White and Blue Biscornu"
Stitch count: 58w X 58h Hard copy: $6.75 PDF: $5.00
"Land That I Love" is another "quick to stitch" design. This would be perfect finished off as a tuck pillow, wall hanging or even as a topper for a little stitching box.
"Land That I Love"
Stitch count: 85w X 89h Hard copy: $6.75 PDF: $5.00

With all the trees leafed out and the baby bugs all born, the moms and dads are busy watching after them. It's "nap time" and these lil baby bees and baby ladybugs aren't wanting to take their naps :) Linda S. has done a great job as usual stitching these for me.
Stitch count: 84w X 66h Hard copy: $6.75 PDF: $5.00
"Ladybug Babies Nap Time"

Stitch count: 84w X 66h Hard copy: $6.75 PDF: $5.00
"Baby Bees Nap Time"

I have done a companion piece for "Spring Fun" which featured baby ladybugs. It's called "Summer Fun" featuring baby bees enjoying their fun in the sun.
"Summer Fun"
Stitch count: 92w X 83h Hard copy: $6.75 PDF: $5.00

Fourth and last in the series of my Season Samplers is "Summer".
"Summer Sampler"
Stitch count: 123w X 76h Hard copy: $6.75 PDF: $5.00

I hope you will be looking forward to stitching up a few of these new designs. As usual, to place an order just email me at or .